Verb Jam
Verb Jam
Real world challenges for young problem solvers.

Team leader

  • Facilitate team discussions- ensure all team members’ ideas are heard

  • Provide encouragement and support to team members

  • Guide and support team members if they lose focus or need help with their jobs

  • Refer back to the success criteria to check you are on the right path

As we look ahead into the 21st century, leaders will be those who empower others.
— Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft

Productivity Manager

  • Plan your team’s schedule

  • Encourage team members to stay on task and use their time well

  • Inform the team when it’s time to move on or to pack up

  • Help team members complete their tasks if they are running short on time

Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.
— Hellen Keller, Author & Activist

Materials master

  • Gather and organize materials for the team

  • Understand and communicate the correct use for each of the materials for the challenge

  • Make sure other team members are using the materials correctly and safely

  • Manage the group’s pack up and ensure materials are stored safely

Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.
— Stephen Hawking, Physicist

Comms leader

  • Record group notes, ideas and reflections

  • Organise the group’s research

  • Report back to the class or community on your design process

Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better.
It’s not.
— Dr Suess, Author and Cartoonist

Problem solver

  • communicate with the teacher or other experts if your group is stuck

  • Think of resources the group could use to solve problems

  • Explain The challenges your group Encountered during reflections

  • Re-read and communicate the design brief and success criteria if your team is stuck

We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.
— Maya Angelou, Poet & Activist