The Problem
Forbes: The annual shark attack summary
National Geographic: Shark attack facts
FactFile: the facts on shark bites and shark numbers
Seaworld: Behaviour of Sharks
National Geographic: Why Are We Afraid of Sharks? There's a Scientific Explanation
University of Sydney: The public fear sharks less when they understand their behaviour
Shark Conservation: The problem, the goal, and how to get there
Conservation Awareness: Five important facts about sharks
The Shark Trust
BBC News: How do you stop sharks attacking? Shark keeper busts myths on sharks for Shark Awareness Day
Miami Herald: Teen bitten while wearing shark bracelet for the first time
Good Viewing
Discovery Channel: The Importance Of Shark Conservation | Fin Frenzy
National Geographic: There Are Better Ways to Save Sharks—Here's How
Don't Fear the Fin | Paul de Gelder: Shark Attack Survivor Story
Smithsonian Channel: Why You Have No Reason to Fear Sharks
Sharkbanz trial their product with 15 bull sharks
NBC: Marine biologist swims with 20 foot long great white
CBS: Deadly shark attack on Cape Cod
60 Minutes: Shark Shield
NBC News: Australia Considers Shark Cull After Another Fatal Attack
Ten News : Local Australians share their views on shark culling
A shark-deterrent wetsuit (and it's not what you think): Hamish Jolly
The great white lie: William Winram at TEDxWWF
How sharks affect us all: Ocean Ramsey at TEDxKlagenfurt
The Terrifying Truth About Sharks: Graham Buckingham at TEDxKingstonUponThames
Current Solutions
Shark Bite Resistant Wetsuit
A review of a range of different shark deterrent technologies
Shark Defense- a scientific research and development company
Shark shields: do they work?
NOAA Fisheries: Current US and international policy around shark conservation
Five important protection groups and how you can help them
Animal Welfare Institute: The Shark Conservation Act